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crave interesting

Saying goodbye to sad lunches with a brand overhaul.

Crave interesting

With 61 ingredients and 38,662,196,978,715,633,273,404,758,790,074,316,960,214,213,096,178,319,621,856,934,259,807,530,937,321,861,485,192,508,542,873,470,637,501,160,980,081,794,035,970,219,670,238,407,078,788,135,931,371,782,481 sandwich options, we think it’s pretty safe to say Which Wich has something for everyone. (And, yes, that’s a real number.)


• 3% sales turnaround

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UPS—what drives you

Launching the new UPS.com on a global scale, but with a local budget.

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